Another take on February's Mood Board of the Month
Finish: A linear medium to shallow consistent etched effect with subtle lustre.
Dark coloured surfaces will show fingerprints and require more care and maintenance than lighter coloured surfaces. It is recommended to test a product sample prior to colour selection.
Colour: A solid black colour.
Choose up to 9 different samples throughout our product range.
Edgetape is not available as a sample.
Your free samples will be delivered to your nominated address, completely free of charge.
The use of our current samples gives the colour and finish that a customer would expect to receive. Samples are provided for colour and finish selection and polytec recommend testing a sample for fingerprint resistance and ease of cleaning. polytec does not guarantee exact colour matches across product ranges due to colour variation in each product group.
Tap a button below to download or view a Brochure PDF file.
DECORATIVETap a button below to download or view a Technical Data document PDF file.
SDS ABS Edging SDS Melamine Doors SDS Melamine Panels Availability Guide Melamine MDF doors & panels Technical Data Sheet Melamine Range Care & Maintenance Chain Of Custody Certificate SDS PVC Edging Melamine - Smooth Care & Maintenance Decorative doors & panels Care & Maintenance Decorative doors & panels - Smooth Care & MaintenanceTap an image below to view a Project that has used this product.
Finish: A high gloss surface similar to polished painted surfaces.
Dark coloured surfaces will show fingerprints and require more care and maintenance than lighter coloured surfaces. It is recommended to test a product sample prior to colour selection.
Colour: A solid black colour.
Choose up to 9 different samples throughout our product range.
Edgetape is not available as a sample.
Your free samples will be delivered to your nominated address, completely free of charge.
The use of our current samples gives the colour and finish that a customer would expect to receive. Samples are provided for colour and finish selection and polytec recommend testing a sample for fingerprint resistance and ease of cleaning. polytec does not guarantee exact colour matches across product ranges due to colour variation in each product group.
Tap a button below to download or view a Brochure PDF file.
DECORATIVETap a button below to download or view a Technical Data document PDF file.
SDS Createc SDS ABS Edging SDS Melamine Panels Availability Guide Melamine Range Care & Maintenance Evolution Range Care & Maintenance Chain Of Custody Certificate SDS PVC Edging Createc Technical Data Sheet VOC Emissions Createc and Venette Certificate Venette Care & Maintenance Decorative doors & panels Care & MaintenanceFinish: A fine textured surface with low reflectivity.
Dark coloured surfaces will show fingerprints and require more care and maintenance than lighter coloured surfaces. It is recommended to test a product sample prior to colour selection.
Colour: A solid black colour.
Choose up to 9 different samples throughout our product range.
Edgetape is not available as a sample.
Your free samples will be delivered to your nominated address, completely free of charge.
The use of our current samples gives the colour and finish that a customer would expect to receive. Samples are provided for colour and finish selection and polytec recommend testing a sample for fingerprint resistance and ease of cleaning. polytec does not guarantee exact colour matches across product ranges due to colour variation in each product group.
Tap a button below to download or view a Brochure PDF file.
DECORATIVETap a button below to download or view a Technical Data document PDF file.
SDS Compact Laminate SDS ABS Edging SDS High Pressure Laminate SDS Melamine Doors SDS Melamine Panels Compact laminate Technical Data Sheet High Pressure Laminate Technical Data Sheet Availability Guide Melamine MDF doors & panels Technical Data Sheet Melamine Range Care & Maintenance Compact laminate Care & Maintenance Chain Of Custody Certificate Fire Rating 5mm Compact Laminate SDS PVC Edging Fire Rating 13mm Compact Laminate Partitioning Systems Information Sheets Partitioning Systems Installation Guide Pedestal Mounted Fire Rating High Pressure Laminate Antibacterial HPL and Compact laminate Care & Maintenance Melamine - Smooth Care & Maintenance HPL Antibacterial Certificate Compact Laminate Antibacterial Certificate Bench Seating Installation Guide Drop Front Vanities Installation Guide Partitioning Systems Installation Guide Full Height, Overhead Brace & Pedestal Mounted Partitioning Systems Installation Guide Floor Mounted Partitioning Systems Installation Guide Unisex, Overhead Braced & Floor Mounted Formaldehyde Emission Compact Laminate Certificate VOC Emissions Compact Laminate Certificate Magnetic laminate Installation Guide Alfresco & Aluminium framed doors Care & Maintenance Decorative doors & panels Care & Maintenance Decorative doors & panels - Smooth Care & MaintenanceTap an image below to view a Project that has used this product.
Another take on February's Mood Board of the Month
polytec's February Mood Board of the Month is taking inspiration from the Design Awards 2023.
Finish: A coarse wide linear embossing with the depth of unfinished timber.
Thermolaminated doors & panels supplied with Black backing.
Colour: A solid black colour.
Choose up to 9 different samples throughout our product range.
Your free samples will be delivered to your nominated address, completely free of charge.
The use of our current samples gives the colour and finish that a customer would expect to receive. Samples are provided for colour and finish selection and polytec recommend testing a sample for fingerprint resistance and ease of cleaning. polytec does not guarantee exact colour matches across product ranges due to colour variation in each product group.
Tap a button below to download or view a Brochure PDF file.
THERMOLAMINATEDTap a button below to download or view a Technical Data document PDF file.
SDS Thermolaminated Availability Guide Thermolaminated Care & Maintenance Chain Of Custody Certificate Thermolaminated doors & panels Technical Data Sheet Formaldehyde Emission CARB Thermolamintaed doors & panels CertificateFinish: A sleek flat surface with minimal reflectance.
Dark coloured surfaces will show fingerprints and require more care and maintenance than lighter coloured surfaces. It is recommended to test a product sample prior to colour selection.
Thermolaminated doors & panels supplied with black backing.
Colour: A solid black colour.
Choose up to 9 different samples throughout our product range.
Your free samples will be delivered to your nominated address, completely free of charge.
The use of our current samples gives the colour and finish that a customer would expect to receive. Samples are provided for colour and finish selection and polytec recommend testing a sample for fingerprint resistance and ease of cleaning. polytec does not guarantee exact colour matches across product ranges due to colour variation in each product group.
Tap a button below to download or view a Brochure PDF file.
THERMOLAMINATEDTap a button below to download or view a Technical Data document PDF file.
SDS Thermolaminated Availability Guide Thermolaminated Care & Maintenance Chain Of Custody Certificate Thermolaminated doors & panels Technical Data Sheet Formaldehyde Emission CARB Thermolamintaed doors & panels CertificateTap an image below to view a Project that has used this product.
polytec Thermolaminated Bari door profile in Black Smooth and polytec 17x34 Cove Steccawood in Black Woodmatt
Finish: A traditional medium textured surface with an even all over stipple.
Dark coloured surfaces will require more care and maintenance than lighter coloured surfaces. It is recommended to test a product sample prior to colour selection.
Colour: A solid black colour.
Choose up to 9 different samples throughout our product range.
Edgetape is not available as a sample.
Your free samples will be delivered to your nominated address, completely free of charge.
The use of our current samples gives the colour and finish that a customer would expect to receive. Samples are provided for colour and finish selection and polytec recommend testing a sample for fingerprint resistance and ease of cleaning. polytec does not guarantee exact colour matches across product ranges due to colour variation in each product group.
Tap a button below to download or view a Brochure PDF file.
BENCHTOPSTap a button below to download or view a Technical Data document PDF file.
SDS ABS Edging SDS High Pressure Laminate SDS Melamine Doors SDS Melamine Panels High Pressure Laminate Technical Data Sheet Availability Guide Melamine MDF doors & panels Technical Data Sheet Melamine Range Care & Maintenance Benchtops and laminate Care & Maintenance Chain Of Custody Certificate SDS PVC Edging Matera laminate Technical Data Sheet Fire Rating High Pressure Laminate Antibacterial HPL and Compact laminate Care & Maintenance Melamine - Smooth Care & Maintenance HPL Antibacterial Certificate VOC Emissions HPL Certificate Magnetic laminate Installation Guide Benchtop Profiles & Thickness Availability by Colour Digital High Pressure Laminate Technical Data Sheet Decorative doors & panels Care & Maintenance Decorative doors & panels - Smooth Care & MaintenanceTap an image below to view a Project that has used this product.
Finish: A super matte finish.
Dark coloured surfaces will show fingerprints and require more care and maintenance than lighter coloured surfaces. It is recommended to test a product sample prior to colour selection.
Colour: A solid black colour.
Choose up to 9 different samples throughout our product range.
Edgetape is not available as a sample.
Your free samples will be delivered to your nominated address, completely free of charge.
The use of our current samples gives the colour and finish that a customer would expect to receive. Samples are provided for colour and finish selection and polytec recommend testing a sample for fingerprint resistance and ease of cleaning. polytec does not guarantee exact colour matches across product ranges due to colour variation in each product group.
Tap a button below to download or view a Brochure PDF file.
DECORATIVETap a button below to download or view a Technical Data document PDF file.
SDS ABS Edging SDS Melamine Panels Availability Guide Melamine Range Care & Maintenance Evolution Range Care & Maintenance Ultraglaze & Ultramatt Care & Maintenance Chain Of Custody Certificate Ultraglaze & Ultramatt Technical Data Sheet SDS Ultraglaze & Ultramatt SDS PVC Edging VOC Emissions Createc and Venette Certificate Venette Care & Maintenance VOC Emission Ultraglaze Certificate Decorative doors & panels Care & MaintenanceTap an image below to view a Project that has used this product.
Finish: A silky smooth pure matt finish, featuring fingerprint resistant technology.
Dark coloured surfaces will show fingerprints and require more care and maintenance than lighter coloured surfaces. It is recommended to test a product sample prior to colour selection.
Colour: A solid black colour.
Choose up to 9 different samples throughout our product range.
Edgetape is not available as a sample.
Your free samples will be delivered to your nominated address, completely free of charge.
The use of our current samples gives the colour and finish that a customer would expect to receive. Samples are provided for colour and finish selection and polytec recommend testing a sample for fingerprint resistance and ease of cleaning. polytec does not guarantee exact colour matches across product ranges due to colour variation in each product group.
Tap a button below to download or view a Brochure PDF file.
DECORATIVETap a button below to download or view a Technical Data document PDF file.
SDS ABS Edging SDS High Pressure Laminate SDS Melamine Panels High Pressure Laminate Technical Data Sheet Availability Guide Melamine Range Care & Maintenance Benchtops and laminate Care & Maintenance Evolution Range Care & Maintenance Chain Of Custody Certificate SDS PVC Edging Matera laminate Technical Data Sheet SDS Venette Venette Technical Data Sheet Venette Fabrication Guide Fire Rating High Pressure Laminate Antibacterial HPL and Compact laminate Care & Maintenance HPL Antibacterial Certificate VOC Emissions Createc and Venette Certificate Venette Care & Maintenance VOC Emissions HPL Certificate Benchtop Profiles & Thickness Availability by Colour Digital High Pressure Laminate Technical Data Sheet Decorative doors & panels Care & MaintenanceTap an image below to view a Project that has used this product.
Another take on polytec's November Mood Board of the Month.
A take on polytec's November Mood Board of the Month.
polytec's November Mood Board of the Month.
Finish: A subtle woodgrain embossing with an overall matt finish.
Dark coloured surfaces will show fingerprints and require more care and maintenance than lighter coloured surfaces. It is recommended to test a product sample prior to colour selection.
Colour: A solid black colour.
Choose up to 9 different samples throughout our product range.
Edgetape is not available as a sample.
Your free samples will be delivered to your nominated address, completely free of charge.
The use of our current samples gives the colour and finish that a customer would expect to receive. Samples are provided for colour and finish selection and polytec recommend testing a sample for fingerprint resistance and ease of cleaning. polytec does not guarantee exact colour matches across product ranges due to colour variation in each product group.
Tap a button below to download or view a Brochure PDF file.
BENCHTOPSTap a button below to download or view a Technical Data document PDF file.
SDS ABS Edging SDS High Pressure Laminate SDS Melamine Doors SDS Melamine Panels High Pressure Laminate Technical Data Sheet Availability Guide Melamine MDF doors & panels Technical Data Sheet Melamine Range Care & Maintenance Benchtops and laminate Care & Maintenance Chain Of Custody Certificate SDS Steccawood SDS PVC Edging Steccawood Care & Maintenance Matera laminate Technical Data Sheet Fire Rating High Pressure Laminate Antibacterial HPL and Compact laminate Care & Maintenance Melamine - Smooth Care & Maintenance HPL Antibacterial Certificate Steccawood Fixing Guide VOC Emissions HPL Certificate Magnetic laminate Installation Guide Fire Rating Steccawood Benchtop Profiles & Thickness Availability by Colour Digital High Pressure Laminate Technical Data Sheet Decorative doors & panels Care & Maintenance Decorative doors & panels - Smooth Care & MaintenanceTap an image below to view a Project that has used this product.
polytec Thermolaminated Bari door profile in Black Smooth and polytec 17x34 Cove Steccawood in Black Woodmatt
polytec Thermolaminated Calcutta 10 door profile in Prime Oak Woodmatt and Chifley door profile in Topiary Smooth
polytec's June Mood Board of the Month
A take on polytec's June Mood Board of the Month featuring Thermolaminated Ascot door profile in Oyster Grey Smooth
Another take on polytec's June Mood Board of the Month featuring Half Round Steccawood in Angora Oak Woodmatt.
A take on February's Mood Board of the Month featuring polytec Steccawood in Black Woodmatt.
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